讀者Maple問:Dear Mr. Lee, Yesterday morning, I tried to start my 2008 Volvo but with some problem. I needed to put in the key and turned it 6 or 7 times before I could get the car to run. The car mileage is 16,170. Usually I use the car about 4 to 5 times per month for shopping and appointment. Last week I had the same problem. But after seven times in turning the key, I was able to use the car. I made several stops to do errands. Each time I had no problem starting the car until yesterday morning. Do you know what the problem might be? Please email to me. Thank you for your assistance.
譯文:親愛的李先生,昨天早上,我試圖啟動我的2008 Volvo汽車,但是有一些問題。我需要插入鑰匙,然後轉動6到7次才能讓車開動。汽車里程已有16,170,通常我每月使用汽車約4至5次去購物和約會。上週我遇到了同樣的問題,但是在轉動鑰匙七次後,我才能啟動它。在發生事故前,我已開它到多個地方辦事,每次都沒有問題,直到昨天早上開車。您知道問題可能是什麼嗎?請發郵件給我。謝謝您的幫助。
李進答:Hi Maple,
When you have to turn the key 6-7 times before you can start the car, then trouble shoot this way:
1) If engine starter did not crank until the 7th time, you may have a bad starter, or bad starter relay.
2) If engine starter cranks every time, but engine only started on the 7th crank, then you may have a bad idle control valve that requires cleaning.
3) You may also need to check the fuel pump.
讀者Peili問:你好李進,我有一輛2005 Mazda MPV。里程數55,000。有時在駕駛中或換檔時車子會輕微抖動1-2秒。引擎燈亮過一、兩天,後來又滅了。但問題還在。你認為怎麼回事呢?
李進答:Peili您好。當車子抖動1-2秒,引擎燈亮,表示引擎燃燒出了點問題(燃燒不完全)。可以請修車師傅看看可否取讀「故障碼」(OBD-II error code)。引擎控制電腦會告訴是否有某些故障/狀況造成這個問題。
如果沒有故障碼,可以看看是否是PCV管道堵塞,或清潔一下MAF傳感器,或者某一個高壓點火線圈(Ignition Coil)出了問題。